Dental Implant Timeline: What To Expect

The Dental Implant Timeline: What To Expect 

Dr. Major provides expert dental implant treatment at Jackson Family Dentistry. Since this treatment involves surgery and the replacement of your crown and tooth root, the entire procedure can take between 3-6 months. If you’re considering dental implants, here’s what you can expect when it comes to a treatment timeline:

Step 1. Implant Consultation 

First, you’ll come in for a consultation with Dr. Major. He will examine your mouth and take images and x-rays to determine if you’re a good candidate for a dental implant. If you’re approved for implant surgery, he will begin creating your personalized implant placement plan. This process usually takes a few weeks.

(Optional) Pre-Implant Preparation

In some cases, you may need additional surgeries before your implant can be placed, such as a tooth extraction, a bone graft to strengthen your jaw, or alveoloplasty (ridge smoothing) to smooth out the implant site. It may take 3-6 months to recover from these surgeries, and begin the implant placement process. 

Step 2. Implant Placement Surgery

Next, your implant will be placed. This procedure takes only a single appointment. Dr. Major will clean and numb your mouth, then create a small opening in your jaw and gums. A small titanium implant will be surgically inserted precisely in the proper position according to your treatment plan.

Then, the treatment area will be cleaned and disinfected, and the site will be sutured shut. This process is repeated if you’re having multiple implants placed during your procedure.

Step 3. Post-Implant Healing & Recovery

You’ll need to follow Dr. Major’s instructions to ensure that your mouth heals properly. The initial phase of post-implant healing usually takes 7-14 days. By the end of two weeks, your mouth will feel completely normal.

However, it usually takes about 3-6 months for your implant to permanently bond with the surrounding bone. You’ll need to be patient and come in for several appointments at Jackson Family Dentistry so that Dr. Major can check your progress during this time.

Step 4. Implant Restoration Placement

Throughout your healing process, Dr. Major will take some impressions and images of your mouth during checkups and use this information to begin crafting your implant-supported restoration, such as a dental crown. 

Dr. Major will work closely with a dental lab to create a restoration that looks and feels completely natural. Once your mouth has healed and osseointegrated completely, you’ll come into our office for your final appointment and Dr. Major will permanently attach your restoration.

How Long Will My Implant Last? 

The process of getting an implant may be lengthy, but it’s worth it! Implants have an expected lifetime of at least 30 years with proper care, and most patients are able to keep their implants for the rest of their lives. Compared to dentures and dental bridges, implants are a superior option for long-term smile restoration.

Schedule A Dental Implant Consultation With Dr. Pako Major Today!

If you’re interested in dental implants in Jackson, Hartford or Germantown, Jackson Family Dentistry is the best option in the area. To learn more and schedule your consultation with Dr. Major, just contact us at (262) 677-3003, or stop by our office at N168W20060 Main Street, Jackson, WI 53037.