At Jackson Family Dentistry, our Jackson dentists specialize in periodontal care and we can help protect your teeth and gums from the damage caused by gum disease.
Antibiotic Treatments
Routine Periodontal Maintenance
Nearly half of American adults are suffering from gum disease, and many are not even aware of the seriousness of their condition. Gum disease is the leading cause of premature tooth loss in adults, and this condition can become irreversible without early intervention from a dentist. Contact Jackson Family Dentistry to get help if you think you may have gum disease.
Our team is always here to help you get the treatment you need in a comfortable, safe, judgment-free environment.
Our Doctors have years of experience working with patients who are suffering from gum disease.
Early intervention can completely eliminate gum disease, and periodontal care is the best way to prevent further damage.
Gingivitis refers to the initial stage of gum disease, which is reversible with proper periodontal care and oral hygiene. If you get help for gingivitis right away, you will be able to completely eliminate gum disease.
This is not the case with later stages of gum disease, which cause permanent damage to your teeth and gums, and cannot be completely eliminated. After a certain point, the infection becomes too widespread. If you don’t get care in time, you will need to have regular periodontal maintenance for the rest of your life to prevent the disease from causing further damage.
The signs and symptoms of gum disease vary based on the progression of the disease. Gingivitis, the first stage of the disease, usually has relatively minor symptoms such as bleeding when brushing and flossing, puffy and swollen gums, gum discoloration, and soft or “spongy” gums. Halitosis (bad breath) may also be present.
As the disease progresses, these symptoms worsen. Your gums may pull away from your teeth, making them look longer. Your teeth will become more sensitive to heat, cold, and pressure. Your gums may bleed for no reason, and your teeth may loosen or fit together differently. If you notice any of these symptoms, come in for an appointment at Jackson Family Dentistry right away.
Deep cleanings are the first line of defense against periodontal disease. This treatment involves using special dental tools to remove plaque, tartar and bacteria from between your gums and teeth. In addition, the roots of your teeth will be smoothed to help prevent bacterial buildup.
One side of your mouth can be treated at a time, so deep cleanings usually take two appointments. They are usually done under local anesthesia to keep you comfortable. We will also typically prescribe oral antibiotics or an antibacterial mouthwash to help eliminate the bacteria which cause gum disease.